Hightown Housing Association
The Project
As Bell Group had delivered exceptional service, quality and delivery, Hightown advised that after the original contract came to an end in 2017 they wanted to carry on using Bell Group through Fusion 21 framework as a direct call off.
Works include:
- Hightown’s portfolio of houses and flats
- Leasehold & general needs.
- Sheltered accommodation
- Supported living for the elderly
- Housing for domestic abuse victims
- Housing of mentally and physically disabled
External works includes:
- Cleaning down and repairing UPVC windows
- FSG replacement works & repairs
- Painting the fascias and soffits.
- Painting the rendering and doors. Some doors are previously painted and some are UPVC
- Works to high and medium rise blocks
- Pre paint repairs to fascias, soffits, doors, gates and timber windows
- Redecoration works to their office HQ in Hemel Hempstead
Internal works includes:
- Full redecoration to all the communal areas, staircases, bin stores and corridors in the flats.
- Doors also cleaned down and prepped for painting works.
- Fire upgrades to ceilings and walls
- Internal redecoration works to their office HQ in Hemel Hempstead
Added Value
Bell Group demonstrated value for money to the client through innovation on paint specification, the paint which was specified guaranteed quality and longevity for 5 years minimum. Along with innovative access solutions, overcoming issues, saving on costs and reducing work duration. Along with demonstrating strength in resources and flexibility to complete works within time frame.
Bell Group also liaised with the residents, letters were sent out to all residents 2 weeks prior to works starting and again just before works start giving 24 hours’ notice. Residents then book appointment with Supervisors to gain access to carry out works.
Due to a number of the residents being disabled, extra care was taken. This included clear communication with the client and residents throughout, making sure there was not any confusion of when and where the works would take place. As for the domestically abused residents, it was important high levels of security were in place to keep the sensitive information about the residents disclosed. This means all operatives had to go through security clearance before being allowed on site.
Bell Group provided cost savings on paint specification, cost savings on access solutions and further cost savings using the Pole System.
About Hightown Housing Association